Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Vein Treatments in Plano in a Nutshell

Our veins are what carry impure blood from the extremities back to the heart. They operate under some pressure as they need to push against gravity in many areas of the body, especially the legs. Valves inside the veins make certain that the blood flow is unidirectional. 

What are varicose veins and spider veins?

Both these conditions are caused by improper blood circulation, and that occurs due to aging and problems with the valves inside the veins. Age generally lowers blood pressure as the heart does not pump at its best. Malfunctioning of the valves can also happen with time. This leads to a slow flow inside the veins and sometimes the blood collects at a point in the vein enough to cause swelling. As veins are located rather superficially under the skin, it is possible to see this swelling with the naked eye. The varicose veins appear like bluish/purplish snaking tubes under the skin. Spider veins on the other hand look more dispersed with tiny tubes, in comparison to larger varicose veins. Varicose veins commonly occur in people that stand for prolonged periods of time, such as factory workers, construction workers, teachers and those in armed forces. 

What are the health risks of enlarged veins?

Both varicose veins and spider veins are normally not serious conditions and are mostly considered cosmetic concerns. However, varicose veins are considered the more troublesome of the two as they affect the legs, making them feel heavy. The skin around the enlarged veins may also be itchy or irritable. 

What are the possible treatments?

Vein treatments in Plano include sclerotherapy (injecting a solution that closes off veins), surgery, high ligation, vein stripping and laser treatment. Outpatient treatment is available in many cases. Lasers work best on smaller varicose veins and spider veins. In the ligation method, small enlarged veins are tied off and snipped away. 


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